Try Something New
By Tiff //
Everything's been done before right? Well... While it's not a completely incorrect statement, technically it still holds fault. What you have seen done before still might not have been done by you!
That in itself is a completely new creation. No ones able to recreate something that you've made to be exactly the same. Therefore it becomes a new creation, voila.
We often like to stick in the box of what we know how to do, or what we are good at, or even more so what we take to really naturally and become good at quickly. In the meantime missing out on all sorts of learning and stretching experiences. We've all heard the phrase "think outside the box" so why not take it a step further, literally and jump right out of there.
Try making something with a new material like XXL yarn if you haven't tried it, or adding in another one you haven't used before. In pottery you can all sorts of other items to your mix, you can add rocks, sand, metal, glass, pumice, paper, even wool and the list goes on. It all flows through experimenting. Figuring out what works and what doesn't, allowing yourself to make mistakes in the process. Your cupboard is always open to hide all those mishaps you don't want being shown off in your house.
Your woolen creations have the same effect, you can add all sorts of materials, shapes, objects into your piece, or use it in a way you didn't intend it to be used in. Who would have thought hanging yarn on a wall would look so beautiful until someone did it, and now it's a happening thing, but it was new and different right at the get go. So get thinking, make something you've never made before. Even if it's just crocheting if you have only ever done knitting, or maybe it's a little more adventurous like making a seat cover out of yarn, you can even add sticks/leaves/beads into your creation (maybe leave the sticks and leaves out of your seat cover though, ouch) Whatever it is, get dreaming and don't forget to share with us what you create by emailing
Here's a few magical creations to get your imagination jumping. Why not try and use some of these materials in your next chunky yarn creation, even if it's just for one row? You never know what you'll end up with until you try it!
Paper knitting // Image found on Pinterest via
Leather knitting // Made by @aitanabaeza_knits
Wire knitting // Image found on Pinterest
Wall Hanging // Made by the amazing Little Loom featuring plump & co yarn